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Daily Grace

To His Glory

to his glory

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God”. – 1 Corinthians 10:36

I am a stickler for process, protocol and principle. I am the one who always requires notice far in advance for an task I am being to do, simply because it is the proper thing to do. I also strongly believe in honouring my committments and will rarely break a committment, unless it is absolutely out of my control. With this trait, you could say I am reliable and I pride myself on this (in recent times, burnout has caused a major upheaval in this).

In recent times though, I made the observation that I was being asked to do many things at the eleventh hour, without the proper notice that I deem acceptable. This fact really bothered me and so I confided in a friend (thank God for good christian friends). In giving me advice, He pointed out that though the persons asking me might be intemperate, my duty was to remember the why, the reason for any service I committed to.

What was/is the reason? To glorify God.

Ecclestiastes 12:13 reminds us that the whole duty of mankind is to fear God and to bring glory to His name. By latching onto this demand, I was allowing self to rob me of the opportunity to work and witness for God.

What is the lesson for us from this? In all things, our first question should be, will this glorify God? How can this be used to witness for/testify of Him?

Let us always rememeber the bigger picture, glorifying God; it is all for Him.

Pray: Heavenly Father, remind me when I forget that it is not about me. When I’m offended, remind me how your Son was offended by and for us, yet He never wavered in His mission. Remind me always that my duty is to bring glory and honour to your name. Slay selfish ambition and willfulness; teach me humility, I pray. Amen

