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Nothing Will Harm You


“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” Luke 10:19


In the past year, we’ve seen and maybe experienced great suffering, fear, uncertainty and paranoia. The world seems upside down and science is scrambling to make sense of it all. As believers times like these call for us to use the wisdom that God has given us to stay safe by doing our due diligence. Nonetheless, let us not forget that even in the midst of chaos, fear and mass hysteria, God is still in control and he has given us power and authority over the earth.

In Luke 10, Jesus sent out prayer warriors into the towns to pray and heal the sick. When they returned they testified that even the demons fell into submission in his name to which Jesus replied, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” (Luke 10:19)

Indeed, as believers, this promise applies to us too. We are more powerful than we believe. God himself has given us authority to trample the enemy. Understanding this promise from God is crucial to overcoming anything that the enemy might throw our way. To activate this promise we need to be fearless and trust him completely with expectancy. Let us rise up and walk in that authority and declare enough is enough. Sickness and disease, fear and panic will no longer overcome us. Instead, by the power and authority given to us by God, we will overcome.


Loving God, I pray a spirit of exclusion over my family. No disease shall come upon any of us in the name of Jesus. With our God-given authority over the earth, we tear down every altar of the enemy and cancel every assignment of the devil in Jesus name. We will not be afraid for you have not given us a spirit of fear declares your word. We will walk boldly declaring your name that is above every name, at the sound of which, we will watch the darkness flee. Sickness, disease, fear, panic and anxiety will have no hold on us. Nothing will harm us, I declare in the name of Jesus. Amen

