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Daily Grace

Encouragement For the Broken-hearted

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The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

Sometimes life doesn’t go the way we plan. We set our cap on a goal, a dream or a relationship, only for it to fail. Proverbs 19:21 tells us that ‘many are the plans in a person’s heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. 

If you are reeling from the pain of a heartbreak, the disappointment of a lost opportunity or experiencing sadness for whatever reason, I encourage you to seek comfort in the Lord.  Trust in the knowledge that His will and plan for us is far greater than that which we could imagine for ourselves. 

Give the pain to him & allow him to heal your heart. 


Lord, my faith is shaken because my heart is broken. Please give me comfort as I seek to realign my expectations with the current reality. Your word promises that you are close to and that you care for the broken-hearted so help me to find comfort in this. The pain I’m feeling now wants me to believe that it won’t get easier but help me to trust that the redirection and the hurt will birth joy and peace. I know you have plans to prosper me, cause me to re-affirm my confidence in this hope. As I wait on you, renew my strength and perfect my faith. In Jesus name, amen. 

