The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10
Heavenly Father, thank you for this beautiful day. Life is the most precious gift and my heart is filled with gratitude.
My life is filled with good things that come from you. The enemy comes to disrupt and destroy but you Mighty God, counter and pull down all strongholds of the enemy.
Mighty God, you are for me so nothing and no one can be against me. Thank you for being my protector and my peace that surpasses all understanding.
You are my rock, my fortress and my shield. Amen

I am a woman of God crowned with His favor. His goodness and mercy surrounds me. I am a daughter, proud big sister, aunt, cousin, and friend, most importantly I am a child of God. I’m an avid lover of nature and also a huge pet lover. I truly enjoy reveling in all God’s beautiful creation. I am an aspiring attorney and author, currently employed as a Child Care specialist, where I care for and teach children with special needs.
Reading is not only my hobby, it’s my medicine. I’m constantly learning and stretching my faith with the help of various Christian literature. Writing and uplifting others is another love of mine. God has turned my scars into beauty marks and I aim to help as many people as I can. God has given me so much, therefore, it’s important to me to bless others as I have been blessed.