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We’re thrilled to have you as a part of our Christian community. We’re excited for you to join us on our journey with Jesus. This blog was created to support, encourage and edify. Our content infuses faith into daily life and is aimed at encouraging spiritual growth and maturity through knowledge of the word of God. We have a deep love for our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and are committed to serving the body of Christ.

As we continue to grow in our faith, we desire to connect and share the word of God with people all over the world. So whether you are thinking about getting closer to God, or are already walking with him or even if you’re retracing your steps to Him, we hope you will find encouragement and support here that bolsters your steps.

Meet the faces behind the blog

We met over a decade ago in High school through mutual friends. We bonded over our love of books and cheesy teen movies. Our friendship has been the effortless kind that has survived both time and distance. Over the years, we’ve gone from being great friends to sisters in Christ.  Here’s some more about us!


about us

I am a lover of music, good reads and a great time with friends. I have been in the church from a tender age and my constant desire is to go deeper and deeper in my relationship with God. “Fear God and give glory to Him.” I truly believe that this is my whole purpose in this life so I long to, and strive to please Him in all I do. I’m a very pensive individual, as a result, I’m my hardest critic. I have a desire and longing for service, therefore, I hope to one day commit myself to mission/volunteer work. My ultimate desire is to make it to heaven; to be cradled in Jesus’s bosom as He cradled John. I love the Bible; I love Jesus and I am constantly awed by the matchless love that brought Him to Earth to die for our sins.

My favourite passage of scripture is Philippians 4:6-8 and this has brought me great comfort on many occasions as I am prone to overthinking. My hope is that everyone who comes in contact with this blog will be inspired and encouraged to go deeper in their walk with God and it is my greatest prayer that this will be a safe space for all.


about us

I am a devoted follower of Christ and serving him is my most important mission in life. I desire to be a bridge that leads others to God even as I deepen my own relationship with him. I am an avid reader with a penchant for writing and a fondness for worship music.

Finally, family is everything and I strongly believe that I have been blessed with the best, most supportive family and friends (I might be slightly biased). My favourite verse is Matthew 6:33 which always grounds me when I feel overwhelmed with worry. My hope for this blog is that God would use it to bless others.

about us