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Prayer Corner

A Special Prayer For Mom on Mother’s Day

Mother's Day

A special prayer for Mom on Mother’s Day.

Dear Lord, bless every mother and every grandmother with the finest of your spiritual blessings today. Bless the work of her hands and fill her with the love she has freely given those children under Your care.

May she know how beautiful she is every day, how loved, valued and cherished she is in your eyes, Heavenly Father. Help her feel safe and trust that she can place her loved ones in your care to protect them. Transform her worries into faith as she trusts in you.

Let her know that her every prayer and encouraging word spoken over her children/grandchildren has been transformed into sweet offerings before Your throne. Let her joy be contagious, her passion pure and her life overflow with blessings this Mother’s Day and everyday. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

A Special Blessing for Mother’s Day

To those who’ve lost their Mom. We lift you up in love and prayer today. To the amazing women who are not yet mothers, we honour your choice to make a difference in the world without having children. Shout out to all aunties!

To those who long to make things right with your children, remember that God’s redemptive power can cross any boundary, any brokenness, any pain.

To those who feel like all they do is struggle and experience stress and frustration, remember your investment is never in vain, and that God uses your faithfulness to change the world.

To those of you who struggled to get out of bed this morning, because of the pain of this day, We love you and are encouraged by your faithfulness.

To those who feel the pain of children long desired but not yet received, we pray with you that God may grant the desires of your heart according to his will.

To all women, we thank you for who you are and what you mean to us as individuals.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26

